Mr. S.P. Singh Oberoi
A person can be best judged by his work he does Mr S.P. Singh Oberoi Chairman of apex group of industries may be a businessman by profession but a great Philanthropists by nature. He is a blessed with a difference, this difference shows in his Generosity and philanthropy work he does. He is always in search of act that fulfills a social need that is not served, is under-served, or is perceived as such by the society. He devotes substantial portions of his time, effort and wealth to charitable causes. He has selfless concern for the welfare of his fellowmen, he may be based in Dubai but his heart still beats for his country Over the years, Singh has worked hard single-handedly managing projects and has even acquired a hotel in Dubai and built a 3/4th replica of the Taj Mahal by flying in as many as 370 skilled craftsmen, they started trading in 1993 based on stockiest & distributorship of products which can cater to piling/foundation contractor’s for their operations.
Today, in 2010 they have an ever-growing specialized product range of all kind of pumps, engines, piling/anchoring equipment & accessories. and have been successful in offering the latest technology based equipment & accessories for piling / Anchoring / dewatering fields. With vision to provide full support to various professional engineering services.
Keeping with the spirit of giving back to society, each year Singh organizes mass marriages for the lesser privileged. “God has been extremely kind and I just want to share my good fortune,” he says modestly. From what we hear, not only does he fund the marriages but also allocates money for 21 essential items for the newly weds and feasts for entire villages.
For him" Generosity is an obligation, because Nemesis avenges the poor and the gods for the superabundance of happiness and wealth of certain people who should rid themselves of it. This is the ancient morality of the gift, which has become a principle of justice. The gods and the spirits accept that the share of wealth and happiness that has been offered to them and had been hitherto destroyed in useless sacrifices should serve the poor and children."
This year we are aiming to touch 1500 weddings,” he informs. Mr Oberoi, has also sponsored engineering students in Punjab, paying for their education and assuring them of jobs in Dubai. After 16 Years of hard work he has crafted his Dreams in to his destiny as apex group of companies ,a leading construction and de-watering organization of Dubai .It will be worthy to mention that the machinery used in the process has been put together by Mr S.P Singh himself. He has become a motivating factor for many like us . as chairman of our NGO Esoterics Foundation he has given us the necessary impetus that an organization needs to make an head start . We are working on various environmental awareness programme round the country specially in Rajasthan where we have our ashram which is a beautifully enriched with herbal plantation , flowers , bonsai and botanical garden . it is a place , worth visiting for its exceptional fertility to grow plants in extreme unfavorable conditions , defying all the prophecies of gardening .It has a rare collection of 24 varities of lotus , more than 60 varieties of roses specially the black rose, 10 variety of Tulsi ,White Sandal (Santalum album.l, Red sandal , rudraksha, kalp vraksh, camphor, tea, Coffee, Lavender, different types of fruits and vegetable plantation .
We have a rare collection of almost 1000 types of seeds and similar no of books on the subject.
We have also working in Himachal pardesh in Joint venture with Mendocino Organics Pvt. Limited. We are organizing meets and door to door awareness programmes about the fallout on the excessive use of chemical/inorganic fertilizers that the farmers are using for their apple orchards and other farm outputs. We have arranged for a mobile soil testing lab for the farmers where they can get their soil from their farmland tested and analyzed for nutrient deficiency , so that based on the finding they can use specific organic input .
Our organization is also working on the subject of child education , women empowerment , rag pickers rehab programs .this academic years we have helped 25 children from EWS category get admission in schools our volunteers
Made sure that they are not returned back from the school gates merely on the ground that their parents are rag pickers we highlighted their plight with Delhi s Chief Minister office on whose immediate directions the admissions were facilitated and further directions were given to all the Zone DOE, For grant of admission to children from economic weaker section (EWS )and BPL category under the new policy of Right To Education.
Our coordinators also highlighted the cause of dying water bodies and baoli s with the Delhi Government ,on whose sustained efforts directions were issued to the revenue department to immediately look in to the matter with utmost priority . Our organization will always be indebted to Chief minister office for their deepest concern shown on the issues it ie only when that the letter from the principal secretary revenue Sh. D.M.Spolia that the DDA stopped the land filling of the water body at village loharheri district south west Tehsil Najafgarh and agreed to develop it in accordance with policy laid down by the government.